Jax, Me, and the Surf

Jax, Me, and the Surf

Thursday, May 5, 2011

And the Seedling Is...

Neomeris annulata

Also known as Spindleweed Algae, Sea Sausage, Caterpillar Weed, Fuzzy Tip Algae.

From www.midwestmarineguy.com
Requires high lighting like that needed by clams and SPS corals. Neomeris Annulata also requires a lot of calcium to keep growth steady. Pristine water conditions are also necessary, only trace amounts of nitrates to keep the Neomeris Annulata fueled, should be in the water.
Treat the Neomeris Annulata as if it were a coral it should grow like wild for you. This is a very tricky macro algae to keep around(for many who want to keep it) for long periods of time.
Neomeris annulata produces chemicals which deter fish from eating it. Parrot fish , urchins, nudibranchs, and Rabbitfish don’t seem to eat them. Sea Hares will eat the Neomeris Annulata, but it is inconsistent between Sea Hares and the Sea Hare will not rid the tank of the Neomeris Annulata. The Neomeris annulata algae is on the obnoxious algae list.
So it -can- be a nuisance algae, but it is a very, in my opinion, attractive algae that behaves as if coral.  On the "difficulty to maintain" it ranks a 4 out of 5 (5 being the hardest).

We'll see what happens.

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